Welcome to the Savage Connoisseur! Here you'll find short stories and inspired recipes about my misadventures in cooking, travel, love, and city life. Thank you for visiting, and here's a toast to living savagely!

Elena's Haroset

Elena's Haroset

It’s always hard to say how much haroset you need for Seder, but I’d calculate about 1/2 an apple per person. I like mixing green and red apples for a nice sweet / tart balance while dried figs add luxurious texture. A mix of pomegranate juice and good red wine add a richness that doesn’t overpower like traditional sweet Kosher wine. Being from Texas, home-grown pecans are a must, but mixed with walnuts they create an even better bite. Enjoy a dollop of leftover haroset over ice cream all Passover week long!

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2 Red Apples

2 Green Apples

3 Cups of Mixed Walnuts and Pecans

4 Dried Turkish Figs

3/4 Cup of good Red Wine

1/2 Cup of Pomegranate Juice

1 Stick of Cinnamon to grate

2 Tsps Nutmeg

1 Tsps Grated Fresh Ginger (omit if you don’t have fresh)

1 Tbsp Honey


Core the apples.

Finely mince the first apple into 1/8inch pieces and add to a large mixing bowl.

Finely chop 1/2 cup of nuts into 1/8inch pieces and add to bowl.

Finely chop 2 figs and add to bowl.

Add wine and pomegranate juice, and stir mixture. The wine and juice will keep apple from browning.

Alternate between remaining nuts and fruit, and season with freshly grated cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg. Stir between each addition.

Add honey at the end and stir.

Refrigerate for two hours or over night. Serve at room temperature.

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Find the story that inspired this recipe HERE.

Las Garnachas

Las Garnachas

Summer Watermelon Ceviche

Summer Watermelon Ceviche